Tuesday, October 18, 2016

Prayer Transmission: Intimate Interaction.

My computer is not working at peak efficiency, the fan doesn't keep it cool, I can't open too many windows to get more tasks done, and my WiFi connections always goes off. Hmm I can get overheated, I try to pursue too many tasks, and my connection to the universal signal is often awry. My computer reflects my life!

Let me start with the Universal Signal, the WiFi of the Supernatural. I am not connected to the Information of Impartation coming from the Throne of Grace. How then, can I reconnect? Position myself where the signal is strong and make sure I am an instrument that can receive the signal.
Next is Overheating, not from doing too much work but from interacting with situations that frustrate me. I can get distracted by the things of the flesh, and open too many windows to the adversary's deceptions, disturbances and distractions. Again it has to do with re-positioning not just to the place where the signal is strong but away from the noise of this neighbourhood.
   Dealing with the Daily problem of  Opening too many windows is easy.  Close them! Keep the main thing the main thing. But live in the diversions of my life without letting them become distractions. Playing and Planning, Processing and Preparing, Doing and Being, they can all be done at the same time.

FB Meyer wrote Bible Commentary when there really was no signal transmission, in fact any radio signals went across the 'ether' but even in his day he understood the unseen signals that pass from earth to heaven.
THE PRAYER which prevails is that which is incited by the Holy Spirit.
He is the medium of communication between heaven and earth, and reveals to us the thoughts and desires of God, so that we do not ask amiss. Just as the ether (ie radio waves) will connect up one continent with another, so long as the transmitter and receiver are in accord, so the Holy Spirit is the Medium between ourselves and the glorified Redeemer. Prayer is transmitted from our hearts, borne forward by the Spirit, and registered in the heart of our Lord. It is perhaps better to say that it originates there, is transmitted to us, and sent back from us to Him. We know that by our thought-waves we can help our friends in distant places, so it is surely possible for our thought-waves to reach the Lord Jesus. Oh, that we may be ever in such sympathy and accord with Him that there may be no loss of His thoughts toward us.
So we have the Transmitter, the Medium of Transmission, and the Receiver. As communication between Transmitter and Receiver improves, the interaction becomes more intimate and the flow can happen both ways. A Century ago we could listen to the radio, everything we heard was programmed from one end, but now we can cyber chat and have greater Intimate Interaction.
Just as we now have a selection of genre to interact with News, Sports, Entertainment, or something more personal, Meyer identifies different types of prayer.
The Prayer of Communion and fellowship. It is like a father asking his little boy why he keeps coming into his study, and discovers that the child has no special reason, but only wants to be with him. So we should not be satisfied with the knowledge of God our Father which ordinary men possess, but have such aptitudes and yearnings which can only be satisfied by fellowship, communion, and adoring love.
The Prayer of Request. As life goes [the nature of our requests changes and] we are content to leave ourselves in the wise and tender hands of our Heavenly Father, and it is enough that He cares. We learn to be thankful that some prayers have not been answered, and to realize that God is doing for us ever so much better than we ask or think.
The Prayer of Intercession. This is nearest to the mind of Christ. He wears our names on His heart, and ever lives to intercede. So we must position ourselves with the Mediator for specific situations that touch our hearts.
The Prayer of Conflict. At times we are called to enter into the Garden, and to bear with Him some of the burden of His conflict for souls against the principalities and powers of evil. This is the very definition of Prevailing Prayer, and we must tune ourselves into the News of the Day as it affects the Kingdom Vision on the earth.

   Well my computer isn't working right and even tho my wife's devices have a good signal, I just can't seem to get things working right, better call The Repairman to see what advice He can give. So fellow Christians let us continue to be part of the Nerd Herd and God Geeks who are conversant with the Cyber connection between earth and heaven.